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Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Life after Whole 30

  So the end of 30 days without all those things has come and gone. By the time it was day 30 I had in fact stopped counting and just ritualistically gone about my day. It is truer than true that old saying about a month to make or break a habit. And I broke so many. How do I feel? Amazing still. How do I look? Less boated, more energized, not puffy eyed in the morning, skin clear, sun shining birds chirping yadda yadda yadda the whole 9 ( pun intended). The major point I would like to make is that all these whole 30 survivors have the same end story to tell. And we all can't be wrong. There is something in our processed foods that is seriously wrong for us to put into our bodies. Sugar does not need to be added to every single solitary item of edibles. We can aim for a much healthier life. Period.

 My husband the carbavore has been changed too. He actually told me with his own mouthparts and no gun to his head, that he would like to do whole 30 a few times a year and also to eat mostly paleo from here on out. I was in awe. But that shows me he really felt the changes too. He and I started this challenge with our own personal goals and hurdles mapped out and I think that is the best approach. Personal strides in a group of people trying the same approach. My team of friends and strangers were amazing because we were all on the same mental road cheering one another on and giving tips and feedback freely without risk of judgement. All encouraging and not even an ounce of all knowing behavior. Celebrating all the scale and non scale victories and trouble shooting the mysteries. Some ahead on the calendar and some later made for a great balance of timeline prediction in human form not just the actual whole 30 timeline on paper. Every personal story celebrated.

 The journey is real. The sugar dragon is real. The weight I lost is secondary to how I feel. All the same things you are reading from blogger to blogger that has taken this challenge. It's all real. Real food is the best thing for any person. That should never even be a question but just a simple fact. If you want to simplify your habits, try it. If you want to stalk my food pics, that's cool too.

 Reintroduction Captain's log: My body wants nothing to do with grains. My joint pain that went completely away at week two? It came on back with a vengeance. So I do know what to avoid and my suspicions were spot on. I have had soy, cheese, and legumes with no problems at all. I will enjoy these in light moderation as I have in the past. Grains however can kiss my much smaller ass.

 Wine and I are seeing eachother again as well. Distance did make the heart grow fonder. Though we wont be going steady again any time soon, we both know my love is unconditional.

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